JT says:
here we have a group of guys who claim that they rely on Divine directions and the bible yet what we see is a flip flop In dogma.so for any Loyal JW – it is and always will be the WT own Paper trail of teachings that change as often as I Change Drawers that will continue to be the best example of why their claim of :
We speak for God is so weak
Francoise says:
The Internet, the World Wide Web has done more than we possibly could have imagined just a few years ago to help us in our effort to rip the cover off the Borg and reveal it for what it is.
I so totally agree with your statements from my own experience. I at first stayed away from websites even when I was reading Crisis of Conscience and getting my eyes so opened just with that. I trusted that info because it was from Ray and what he was saying was so logical and put forth so humbly but I still thought that what I would find at so-called "apostate sites" would be obviously lies and twisted "truths".
When I finally visited a web site, I was awe-struck at the info I started reading of the 'flip-flop' doctrines and the seeing things they said all pulled together in subjects to be able to compare. Especially reading what they taught before 1940 opened my eyes. The Proclaimers book only touches this by saying that in it's early beginnings they were just young as an organization and made a few mistakes but soon God directed them and corrected them, and we all fell for that.
I have no access to these pubs. myself, so to read what they were so-called "directed by God" to write back then made my jaw drop in disbelief. It became so obvious that God would not cause them to write lies to mislead us for awhile, only to cause them to "get new light" and change and then "get new light" again and change back to the first thought.
It feels so good now to be able to have this info at my fingertips via the web and my hat goes off to all the writers who are dedicated to inform all they can about the misguidance and abusive control the WTS had misused over the years and the skeletons the WTS has tried so hard to hide.
Don't worry...I do understand what you were saying in your post earlier.
i thought i'd read outrageous lies and false beliefs ' instead most everything i read i already knew, it just took someone else to articulate what i already knew
That is so true for the ordinary JW. Sometimes it takes getting hit over the head with something to get our attention, then, bingo...all of a sudden the pieces start falling into place and we see the big picture.
The beautiful service these info sites are doing for us is to pull together all these little pieces of info we've read, or seen happen, or experienced...whatever...and help us to be able to analyse the whole thing.
My first gut reaction to all I have found out in the last couple of months about pedophilia, misuse of funds, skeletons in the closet at HQs, the info on blood that the ordinary r&f like me is kept in the dark about, and how widespread the disruption of families is due to df'ing and shunning and much more...was complete and utter shock. Now I applaud all who join in with whatever info they can provide to further educate all who visit these sites for whatever reason.
I truly believe the web will rock the very foundation of the WTS and whether it causes it to crumble or to completely restructure for the better...I don't know yet. I only feel that only good will have to come to the basic r&f.
Thank you JT for putting together this info for us. It's a keeper.
Had Enough